Illinois Norsk Rosemalers' Association

The Illinois Norsk Rosemalers' Association (INRA) exists to promote and encourage the art of Norwegian rosemaling. To accomplish this the INRA:
*Sponsors rosemaling classes taught by Vesterheim Gold Medalists
*Holds exhibits and competitions
*Hholds three general meetings each year
*Publishes three issues of the INRA newsletter, Avisen, each year
*Provides venues for members to sell their rosemaling in June and November at Good Templar Park in Geneva, Illinois.

The INRA has a large collection of rosemaling on display at Norwood Crossing, 6016 N Nina, Chicago, IL MAP.
Please call ahead 1-773-631-4856 if you wish to view the display.

The Illinois Norsk Rosemalers' Association is a member organization of the Norwegian National League


President: Donna Benson
Vice President: Ruth Haller
Secretary: Nadine Buck
Treasurer: Joanne Bjerga
Education: Mary Olsen
Membership: Holly Green

The Norwegian National League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization .