
To encourage the study of Norwegian heritage the Norwegian National League has developed and administers a scholarship program open to children of Norwegian descent in grades 1-12. The students research and write a paper on the topic “Your Family’s Norwegian Heritage” (see the Scholarship Writing Guide for guidance).  The younger grades will submit a drawing on a Norwegian topic.
Photo attribution: Creative commons CCO /
Entry deadline is March 1, 2021

Note the addition of LaSalle county for 2018, as well as introducing separate Grade 5-6 and 7-8 scholarships replacing the previous Grade 5-8 single scholarship)

Applicants must be current students, be of Norwegian ancestry, and residing in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, LaSalle, Kendall, McHenry or Will.

Download and read the applications for complete instructions.

Application for Grades 1 through 4 -- original drawing - $25.00 cash award
<CLICK/TAP> for application form

Application for Grades 5 through 6 -- 300-word essay - $50.00 cash award
<CLICK/TAP> for application form

Application for Grades 7 through 8 -- 300-word essay - $50.00 cash award
<CLICK/TAP> for application form

Application for Grades 9 through 11 -- 300-word essay - $100.00 cash award

<CLICK/TAP> for application form

Application for a College-bound High School Senior -- 500-word essay - $1,000 Scholarship
<CLICK/TAP> for application form

Those writing essays will want to download, read and follow our Scholarship Writing Guide.

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                receving her prize

                receving her prize

Norwegian National League 2018 Scholarship Winners!